I keep trying to write and finding myself exhausted. Plenty has happened in recent months--or, more generally, plenty has happened-- that has had a huge effect on me, that I've given (a lot, but not enough) thought to and would like to talk about. But the act of writing with the intention to address a specific point and do it justice, is, well, intimidating, and takes effort. And with the start of school, rehearsals, breaking my foot, the hormonal insanity caused by going off the pill because of prescription cockups, the panic attacks about money and what happens after I graduate in June, my BA project coming ever closer and the realization that I need to build an ensemble for this process/performance very soon... With a lot going on all the time, I tend to put everything in soft focus. Push my way fuzzily through a thousand different things. Writing requires, or at least I have convinced myself that the kind of writing I'm thinking about right now requires, a kind of pinpointing I have a hard time with. My head is scattered. I on some level look forward to being done (at least for quite some time) with school. I would like, I think, to try to devote myself to fewer things, and devote to them more fully. As it stands, I have too many things to do, a lack of focus and motivation, and a lot of run-on sentences. But I remain optimistic for the future.